岡本一平 コブ斜面 スノーボードIppei Okamoto Snowboard Mogul
岡本一平 コブ斜面 スノーボードIppei Okamoto Snowboard Mogul (length: 08:15:00 posted: 2007-12-26)
No need to rent a helicopter to get dropped in powder snow …done by Fouiky & Tortsch
►Watch more here: http://win.gs/ThisIsMarcusKleveland Marcus Kleveland is the future of snowboarding, and the first episode of the This is Marcus series, Int…
CLICK to watch part 1: http://win.gs/1MWwfqG “Every time I see the Bec des Rosses, near or far, I ask myself, ‘Oh God, do we really go down there?” sates Xav…
10 minute ski fit workout for Alpine Action from fitness gurus Bay Fitness. Get ready for skiing improve your muscular endurance and mobility so you can ski …
Pizza….Do a pizza
北海道厚岸郡浜中町のスノーボードチームで、釧路阿寒湖畔スキー場、中標津金山スキー場、糠平スキー場で主に活動しています。 時々、トマムリゾートや新得町のサホロリゾートに遠征に行きます。 メンバー募集中です! フリーラン、グラトリ、キッカーがメインです。 キッカーは、とにかくスピン(横回転)よりもフリップ(縦回転)の…
For the third Find Snowboarding trip Rome Snowboards set-out on a European road trip with a destination of Norway. Generally speaking road trips have pretty …
Come prendere lo skilift !! scuola di snowboard Snow&co Piani di Bobbio www.snownco.com
Travis has come a long way in the short amount of time he’s been snowboarding! Watch him progress from day 1 – day 14 snowboarding on the mountain. These vid…
head snowboardsのgirls teamの11-12シーズンの動画CLIPです。 ライディングはもちろん、girls teamの仲の良さ、チーム感を感じてもらえるとうれしいです。メンバーは岡田沙織、八田梨加、進飛鳥、藤原恵利華。 新生head girls teamを是非、見てください。
Best snowboarding videos 2011 / 2012
Sbattere il ghigno sui pini non è da rider freshfarmiano: vergogna! Puoi redimerti solamente imparando a memoria questi semplici movimenti.
Se volete vedere altri video iscrivetevi al nostro canale: http://www.youtube.com/BoardTVSports Per qualche settimana Ciccio Neuro ci terrà compagnia con i s…
Rider—————————-Steven Hager Location———————–Whistler B.C / 3rd Blackpark jump Filmed_by———————Ludovic Duvert F…