
Monoski freeride

Monoski freeride

Monoski freeride (length: 04:47:00 posted: 2007-01-04)

The monoskis are the top for the freeride The New SNOWGUNZ Monoski World guiness speed records on best mountain riding spot Teaser of DVD and VOD Monopopow M…


Monoski for Ride II

Monoski for Ride II

Monoski for Ride II (length: 02:07:00 posted: 2013-11-02)

Monoski for Ride II Jérémy PICQ, 25 years old, Monoski instructors, Chx Rider Session Multispeed in Cinemascope on monoskis Snowgunz Alpine Rocket 178…


Test du monoski Aluflex : Le mono 180 Fiberflex

Test du monoski Aluflex : Le mono 180 Fiberflex

Test du monoski Aluflex : Le mono 180 Fiberflex (length: 04:13:00 posted: 2012-11-18)

Lors du salon Widiwici de Tignes, nous avons pu tester le nouveau monoski Aluflex en fibre : le Fiberflex mono180. Monoski possédant un rayon de 15m pour une…

savoie monoski

Monoski Battle

Monoski Battle

Monoski Battle (length: 01:56:00 posted: 2013-04-03)

Ski Monoski Snowboard meme combat Chacun sa dance pour la Battle Ski – Baptiste Causse Monoski – Jeremy Picq Snowboard – Thomas Perret Monoski for ever Grama…